Tips to Negotiate After Your Home Inspection
Now that you have your home inspection report, it is time to think about what you want. You can buy the house the way that it is, you can ask for repairs, or (if it is bad enough), you can walk away without any problems. Unless you walk away, you can use this time to negotiate with the sellers.
Here are some tips to help you during this process.
Be reasonable. All homes have problems so, unless you buy a brand-new home, you are going to find something wrong with the home inspection. You have to be reasonable with what repairs you want fixed. You can’t nitpick every little thing, or you will just upset the sellers (and they may walk away).
Focus on the big things. Pick the big things that need to be taken care of before you move in and address the rest once you buy the home. Make sure that your home is structurally sound, with good plumbing and electricity to ensure that you are safe.
Make sure that everything is fixed by a professional. Your real estate professional should make sure that the sellers hire a contractor who is licensed and insured. You want your home fixed right! If you are thinking about asking for a credit toward fixing the problems, you need to make sure that you get estimates from a trustworthy professional too!
Don’t think of negotiating as a battle. Many people go into a negotiation thinking that they have to win over the other side. However, that is not the way to have a successful negotiation. Be prepared to negotiate until both sides are reasonably happy.
When you get your report back, you need to be reasonable. There are going to be many small things that you can change, so don’t nitpick. Focus on the big problems that need to be fixed. You also want to make sure that everything is fixed properly, by a professional.
Contact True North Home Inspection today with any questions about the home inspection process. Our job isn’t complete until all your questions and concerns are answered!